K-8 High School WorldView
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Can you sell advertising with YBI K-8?
YES!! Sell Family Tributes!!

Sell Full Color Full Page Ads for $25 each (or choose your price)

Each family gets the full page -- all 800 x 540 pixels! Add hyperlinks to websites. Let the parents design their page on your computer, or let them use our software at no charge. They can add video or audio for an additional cost.

Multiple Kids? Multiple Pages!

Parents will be able to afford one page for each student easily with the low per page price. This will give them a great way to chronicle their students' lives and give the kids a keepsake that won't fade with time.

Teacher Appreciation Pages

Have your parents and even colleagues give their favorite teachers an appreciation page. And while you're at it, you can even let the kids design it themselves! Remember, every page they build is a learning experience, too!