"Hey, friend, would you sign my CD-ROM?"
By Lorri Helfand
St. Petersburg Times, July 18, 2001

...For the first time, Palm Harbor University High created a CD-ROM yearbook supplement, complete with audio and video clips. The school's initial effort was so good it won a national contest sponsored by Yearbook Interactive, which offers software and duplication services for multimedia yearbooks.

...Producing a multimedia supplement had certain advantages, according to the high school's yearbook adviser Judy Cannaday. "It captured the sights and sounds of school in a way the print yearbook couldn't and provided coverage of events that took place after the print deadline," she said.

...Are these yearbooks the wave of the future?  Judy Ambler, district supervisor of instructional technology, thinks so. She said financial and environmental issues make the CD-ROM versions appealing.

..."More and more (students) have computers. I certainly think that that's the way a lot schools are going to move in the future," she said.

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